The most unique of all of Reason's features is the Reason Rack. This thing is an absolute beast and one of the best ways to wrap your head around signal flow.
The Rack, however, can be quite confusing before you know what you are doing so I's like to demystify it a bit for ya. (Video Below)
Why do I need to know?
It's pretty tempting with any DAW to let the auto routing do it's thing and not really question it but in reason it's a bit of a crime. You see, Reason comes bundled with a few pretty complex plugins:
It also ships with smaller, simpler modules:
At first blush, these smaller plugins can seem a bit useless. "Why would I grab a simple DDL-1 when I can reach for the mighty echo? That cheesy little RV-7 reverb? Please! That tiny compressor? Pulverize it! But it is in the routing that these smaller, more modular devices really shine!
Let's not forget that you can use their bigger brothers in conjunction as well!
The MVPs
These are the devices that will really set your routing game off:
The Combinator
Line Mixer 6:2
Spider Audio Merger & Splitter
In this video I show you how to make a really amazing sounding, very usable delay with some advanced features. You can also download the combinator rack pre-made HERE